Don’t Buy Another Journal Until You Read About These
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I’m a huge fan of journaling. I do it every day - my Morning Pages - and there are so many benefits.
That being said, it’s not always easy to just sit down and write, especially when you have all the feelings! (If you need help getting started, check this out.)
So, rather than buy another blank journal you probably won’t use (even though it’s beeeeautiful) check these journals out first. Some are for poetry, some are for writers, and some are for lists! There’s something for everyone, and each could be your next creative best friend.
Instant Poetry
What It Is
A journal for lazy (or new) poets who want to make magic with their words but feel like poetry just “isn’t their thing.” With this fun fill in the blank poetry journal, maybe you’ll become the poet you’ve dreamed about being!
Where Can You Get It?
Why it’s Great for Writers
I’m not a poet, and I honestly never have been. That being said, the idea of poetry fascinates me! I couldn’t resist this fun fill in the blank poetry journal, and I think it’s a great way for writers to think about words differently - and poetry!
“Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal.”
Overcoming Creative Anxiety by Karen C.L. Anderson
Words from the Author
Karen C.L. Anderson
“There are four things I hope readers take away from the prompts and practices in my book:
#1 Creativity is your's not something that some people have and others don't.
#2 You are creating in every given moment.
#3 Intentional creativity happens when you wield your thoughts and feelings on purpose.
#4 Working with your nervous system increases your ability to hold uncomfortable feelings while at the same time mitigates creative anxiety.”
What it Is
This guided journal walks readers through meeting and “disarming” their inner critic. It also introduces the inner advocate and provides plenty of space for journalers to explore themselves and let their inner creative run wild.
Where Can You Get It?
Why it’s Great for Writers
If you’re a writer, you’ve probably met (or having an ongoing hate/hate relationship with) your inner critic. This journal is a great way to work on your relationship with yourself, your creativity, and your writing.
“Trying to get rid of your inner critic is like trying to get rid of your humanity.”
You Should Be Writing by Brenda Knight & Nita Sweeney
Words from the Authors
“Journaling, especially in the form of freewriting can really help you unleash your full creativity. I cannot recommend journaling highly enough!”
Brenda Knight
Nita Sweeney
"A writer is an apprentice, learning from those who have gone before. We watch and listen, read and mimic, try, fail, and succeed, until we make the craft our own. In You Should Be Writing Brenda Knight and I built a structure for writers to learn from the goddesses, gods, and lesser known greats of writing. Each blank page, topped with a quote of instruction or inspiration, invites the writer to practice in a safe space, with the support of experts who, in time, become her colleagues and peers."
What it Is
This journal is a collection of inspiring quotes just for writers. The quotes illustrate all aspects of writing, from storytelling to craft to writing as medicine. A welcoming place to get reenergized and excited to write.
Where Can You Get It?
Why it’s Great for Writers
Aside from the fact that the journal is made for writers, I’ve always found a good quote can really help my creativity and I think it will do the same for you.
“Every form of art can provide sustenance to writers. Be open to it all. Take it in. See it. Let it feed you, inspire you, and shape your work. Let it fill your creative well and move you to share your stories on the page.”
A little sunshine and a little rain by Sabina Laura
Words from the Author
“The journal gives readers inspiration to write poetry, while encouraging them to find their own voice and express themselves. The journal is a way of helping the reader let go of any expectations they might have and just give poetry a go!”
Sabina Laura
What it Is
This journal helps inspire and gently guide readers to write their own poetry based on themes and ideas.
Where Can You Get It?
Why it’s Great for Writers
Besides the fact that this journal is physically beautiful, it’s also full of beautiful words and imagery that are sure to help you find your prettiest words and get them onto the page, even if you “don’t really write” poetry (like me).
“i have been
so afraid of
letting the light in
that i have forgotten
how to dream
with my eyes open”
The Checklist Book by Alexandra Franzen
Words from the Author
Alexandra Franzen
“This isn’t complicated stuff. It’s pretty simple. Consider what matters strongly to you. Then, plan your day accordingly. It’s simple yet difficult, because often, we forget to slow down and actually do it. By creating a daily checklist habit, this gives you an opportunity to do this every day.”
What it Is
This book technically isn’t a journal…BUT, it has lots of sage advice and lots of pages to make lists of your own using the new checklist methodology you read about.
Where Can You Get It?
Why it’s Great for Writers
Making lists is always a great way to organize yourself, but for writers it’s also another way to use words and be creative. Plus, it really will help that procrastination we all suffer from.
“Above all, trust your hut (heart + gut). Breathe. Keep it simple. Make a checklist.”