What is an Unstoppable Dream-Getter?
I talk a lot about Unstoppable Dream-Getters here at Capturing Your Confidence, and for a good reason! Everyone has the potential to be one.
This month, all new blogs will be focusing on bravery and facing our fears. What better way to start off the month than reflecting on what it means to be an Unstoppable Dream-Getter?
What exactly IS an Unstoppable Dream-Getter?
An Unstoppable Dream-Getter, or UDG for short, is someone who:
Is brave and courageous. They stand up for what they believe in, and what’s right.
Is bold. They take risks that scare others, even when they may be afraid. They aren’t reckless, but they valiantly leap out of their comfort zone when they see an opportunity.
Is proactive. They don’t wait for something to show up for them or for miracles to be handed down on a silver platter. They look for places to learn and grow every day.
Is passionate. They love what they do and their determination to share that with the world is second to none.
Is strong. When they lack support, they keep going. They don’t let off the cuff criticism keep them from pursuing their dreams. On the contrary, it fuels the fire.
Is stubborn and resists taking the “easy” way out. They don't opt for shortcuts when hard work and elbow grease are foundational.
Is reliable, and can be counted on to show up and bring their A game. They don’t half-ass their work because they know that’s a waste of everyone’s time.
Is empathetic to others and knows that loving and caring about others is key to success
An Unstoppable Dream-Getter (UDG) is someone who:
Creates. They write, draw, sing, or whatever other creative outlet expresses a sliver of their soul to the world.
Makes decisions. They analyze the situation and make the best call with the information they have. Indecision does not paralyze them.
Admits their short-comings. They are not perfect because they are human. What makes them different is their desire and effort to acknowledge and grow these areas to be better.
Gives themselves grace to fail, but doesn’t sulk and let the failure define their path.
Laughs at themselves and takes embarrassment with a grain of salt. They know they are more than their mistakes.
Encourages others, who in turn, encourage them. By promoting positivity, they grow their own self-beliefs.
Draws boundaries and holds strong to their convictions. They know they can only truly control their own behavior, not that of others, so they don’t waste their effort with unrealistic expectations.
Manages their stress to make the most of opportunities. They might be a worrier at heart, but they develop ways to put their worry into productive planning. Sometimes UDGs need help, and they reach out to get it. This is an exhibit of strength because they have figured out their limits.
Actively learns at every possible turn. They learn something new every day, and not only recognize that, but value it highly.
Asks for help when they need it, even when they might not like the answer. Even when reaching out to ask makes them incredibly uncomfortable. They face their fear and use the power of a support network to succeed.
Wants to see others succeed alongside themselves because they know that there is strength in community. They grow personally, but know deep down that they are only one small piece in a very large puzzle. They also know that all the pieces - themselves included - play a very important role in the puzzle. After all, a puzzle is only complete when all the pieces are in their places within the larger picture.
Values input on their hard work and effort. They may not naturally be good at accepting criticism, but their desire to grow outweighs their pride. They do not need to be “the best” - they just need to be their personal best.
Doesn’t make rash, in-the-moment decisions when their livelihood is on the line. They don’t “rage quit” jobs without savings. They don’t give their boss the finger in the parking lot. They dig in and find a way to use their strengths to get out of the situation.
Opens themselves up and shows their vulnerabilities in service of others. They are real. They are open. They are honest. They tell the truth, even when it’s not easy or popular.
Refuses to believe they can’t. They might be physically unable, or seemingly out of reach of their dreams, but they are creative and resourceful. There is almost always more than one right way to get somewhere, and a UDG searches until they find it.
An Unstoppable Dream-Getter (UDG) is someone who:
Is a confident go-getter who does the things that scares them most because they know they can. They are more than their anxiety and fear.
Is flexible and willing to adapt, even when it is a new learning experience.
Has an indomitable spirit. They may bend or shutter under pressure, but they know that storms are only temporary trials, not permanent obstacles. They dig in and adjust their sails - they may even batten down the hatches to survive - but when they do, they come out stronger and more energetic than ever.
Doesn’t give up! They stick with their dreams through thick and thin - hard and joyous - times. But they know that we live in an ever-changing world that we have to account for. They can figure out when to pivot.
Rests assured in the knowledge that they can make good decisions and be bold to get to their dreams. They don’t crack under pressure, they lean in and rise to the occasion. They openly face their fears and persist in growing in the face of adversity.
Isn’t fearless, on the contrary. They are sometimes terrified in aspects of their life.
Isn’t better than anyone else, nor is necessarily a genius. They are normal human beings! What makes them special is their attitude and work ethic. UDGs are persistent and tenacious. They keep an eye on their big dreams, even when the dreams seem unreachable.
Unstoppable Dream-Getters are so incredibly important because:
They are irreplaceable and often wear multiple hats. They rock those hats even when it’s a bad hair day.
They keep the world on its toes through their art and inner-beauty. They create. They do. They succeed not because someone showed them how, but because they decided that not-succeeding wasn’t an option.
They may falter, and sometimes doubt their path, but they steadfastly show up day after day because that’s how it’s done. There are aren’t miracle fixes or products that can replace the persistent hard work of a reliable UDG.
When they fail, they take a breath, get their head on straight, and get back up to try again. They do this until they succeed, even when they feel they aren’t progressing. They readjust, improvise, and find another way.
This is what it means to be an Unstoppable Dream-Getter.
Are you an unstoppable dream-getter? Do you want to be? Reach out to me on social media or via email at rachel@capturingyourconfidence.com to learn more about how I can help you get to your big creative dreams. It's what I do.