I’m so glad you’re here.
These are resources that I have used and that my clients and students have shared with me over the years. It’s a living list, too! When I find something helpful, or someone makes a recommendation, I add it to this page.
Feel free to use any of the sites, articles, books, and talks you find helpful.
If you have a recommendation, click the button at the bottom of the page and fill out the form so I can add it to the list. The more people I hear from, the more resources I can share with anyone who might need them.
Mental Health
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Support & Education, https://nami.org/Home
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, Immediate Assistance & Support, https://988lifeline.org/
How Your Home Can Affect Your Mental Health, The Balanced CEO, https://thebalancedceo.com/how-your-home-can-affect-your-mental-health/
Commonly-Used Intervention Words for Mental Health Progress Notes, My Clients Plus, https://myclientsplus.com/commonly-used-intervention-words-for-mental-health-progress-notes
American Psychological Association, How to Choose a Psychologist, https://www.apa.org/topics/psychotherapy/choose-therapist
Better Help, Online Therapy, https://www.betterhelp.com/
Catalyst Indy, Local & Online Therapy, https://catalystindy.com/
Kenosis Counseling Center, Local & Online Therapy, https://kenosiscenter.com/
Psychology Today, Find a Therapist, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists
VeryWellMind, Choosing a Therapist, https://www.verywellmind.com/how-to-choose-the-right-therapist-for-you-4842306
Learning & Confidence
Gabby Bernstein, Happiness & Confidence, https://gabbybernstein.com/
Place of Bliss Sanctuary, Peace & Empowerment, https://www.placeofblisssanctuary.com/
Unique Ways to Help Your Work Team Manage Anxiety, The Balanced CEO, https://thebalancedceo.com/ways-to-help-your-work-team-manage-anxiety/
Websites & Articles
Grammarly, Editing & Writing Structure Help, https://www.grammarly.com/
Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries, https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/
Thesaurus.com, Online Thesaurus, https://www.thesaurus.com/
Writers.com, Writing Courses & Feedback, https://writers.com/
Writer’s Digest, Writing Inspiration, https://www.writersdigest.com/be-inspired
Writing & Book Coaching
Jessi Beyer International, Writing & Book Coach with Mental Health Specialty, https://jessibeyerinternational.com/
Megan Febuary, Trauma-Informed Book Coach & Mentor, https://www.meganfebuary.com/
“Blogging – It’s Good for You: The therapeutic value of blogging becomes a focus of study,” Scientific American, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-healthy-type/
“How to Start a Blog in 2022,” The Blog Starter, https://www.theblogstarter.com/
“How to Start a Personal Blog on WordPress,” Themeisle, https://themeisle.com/blog/start-a-personal-blog/
Transformations: A Woman's Journey of Self-Discovery by Carol Juergensen Sheets & Christine Turo-Shields
Overcoming Creative Anxiety, Karen C.L. Anderson
The Power of Writing it Down, Allison Fallon
Story Power, Kate Farrell
You are a Badass, Jen Sincero
Re-Write: A Trauma Workbook of Creative Writing and Recovery in Our New Normal, Duygu Balan and Dr. Yener Balan
The Glow Up Journal, Danielle Richardson
The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Big Book, free online
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Badass Habits: Cultivate the Awareness Boundaries, and Daily Upgrades You Need to Make Them Stick by Jen Sincero
Choose Your Story, Change Your Life, Kindra Hall
The Dialogue Thesaurus, Dahlia Evans
The Elements of Style, Strunk, White, & Kalman
Elmore Leonard’s 10 Rules of Writing
Everything is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo
The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
Unfinished Business, Melanie Smith
“The Danger of a Single Story” - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_ngozi_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story
“The Power of Vulnerability” - Dr. Brene Brown, https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability
“The Power of Introverts” - Susan Cain, https://www.ted.com/talks/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts
“Why Write?” - Ann Hood, https://youtu.be/nvdsu2KMhno
The Mindset Mentor Podcast, https://robdial.com/podcast/
Talks & Podcasts
“Your Elusive Creative Genius” - Elizabeth Gilbert, https://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_your_elusive_creative_genius
“Where Does Creativity Hide” - Amy Tan, https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_tan_where_does_creativity_hide
Additional Contributed Resources
** Disclaimer: Just because a resource is listed does not mean I endorse or recommend these specific services or practitioners. Any resource included in this section is based on the quality of the information provided, not potential calls to action or to promote specific businesses. **
Opioid Use Disorder & Suicide, Bicycle Health, https://www.bicyclehealth.com/blog/opioid-use-disorder-suicide
Start Your Recovery, https://startyourrecovery.org/
Suicide & Alcohol Abuse, AlcoholHelp, https://www.alcoholhelp.com/alcohol/mental-illness/suicide/
Co-Occurring Disorders and Addiction, RehabSpot, www.rehabspot.com/treatment/co-occurring-disorders/
Lawfirm.com, Drug Addiction Resources, https://www.lawfirm.com/dangerous-drugs/addiction/
Alcohol Rehab Help, 12 Step Programs: How They Work, Benefits & Criticisms, https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/treatment/12-step-programs/
Living with Cerebral Palsy, Cerebral Palsy Guide, https://www.cerebralpalsyguide.com/community/living-with-cerebral-palsy/
Northern Illinois Recovery Center, https://www.northernillinoisrecovery.com/
AddictionResource.Net, 10 Best Rehab Centers in Indiana, https://www.addictionresource.net/best-drug-rehab-centers/indiana/
Cerebral Palsy Guidance, Cerebral Palsy, https://www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com/cerebral-palsy/
Addictionhelp.com, https://www.addictionhelp.com/
Suicide Prevention Counseling, Free by the Sea, https://freebythesea.com/therapy/suicide-prevention-counseling/
Group Therapy, Casco Bay Recovery, https://cascobayrecovery.com/therapy/group/
Recovery Coaching, Luna Recovery, https://lunarecovery.com/resources/recovery-coaching/
Trauma Therapy, West Wind, https://westwindrecovery.com/therapy/trauma/
LGBTQ Treatment for Addiction, Discovery Institute, https://www.discoverynj.org/lgbtq-treatment-for-addiction-finding-a-friendly-place/
How to Identify the Early Signs of Mental Health Disorders, Detox Rehabs https://www.detoxrehabs.net/identify-mental-health-issues/
150+ Addiction Resources and Statistics from around the World, MysticMag, https://www.mysticmag.com/news/addiction-resources-and-statistics/
Find Free Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers, https://www.freerehabcenters.net/
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Northern Illinois Recovery, https://www.northernillinoisrecovery.com/therapy/dialectical-behavioral/
Rehab for Veterans, Moving Mountains Recovery, https://movingmountainsrecovery.com/resources/rehab-for-veterans/
PTSD Coach Online, US Dept. of Veterans Affairs, https://www.ptsd.va.gov/apps/ptsdcoachonline/default.htm
PTSD & Car Accidents, NST Attorneys at Law, https://www.nstlaw.com/guides/ptsd-and-car-accidents/
A Guide to Obtaining Insurance for Mental Health Care, Money Geek, https://www.moneygeek.com/insurance/health/navigating-mental-health-care/
How to Start & Keep a Mental Health Journal, Psychology Writing, https://psychologywriting.com/blog/mental-health-journal-tips-for-students/
Ompractice: Free Live Wellness Classes for Veterans & Employees, app.ompractice.com/veteransaffairs
Assisted Living for People With Mental Health Disorders, Caring.com, https://www.caring.com/senior-living/assisted-living/options-for-seniors-with-mental-health-conditions/
Mesothelioma and Mental Health, The Lanier Law Firm, https://www.lanierlawfirm.com/mesothelioma/mental-health/
Mental Health and Mesothelioma, Asbestos,
Mental Health First Aid for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors, The Recovery Village,
Depression and Substance Abuse, The Recovery Village Palmer Lake,
The Benefits of Reading and Libraries for Seniors: A Guide, SeniorAdvice, https://www.senioradvice.com/articles/benefits-of-reading-and-libraries-for-seniors
Mesothelioma.net, Grief and Mourning, https://mesothelioma.net/mesothelioma-and-mourning/
Addiction Center, Alcoholism Cures, https://www.addictioncenter.com/alcohol/alcoholism-cure/
Addiction Center, Treatment for Mental Health, https://www.addictioncenter.com/mental-health/treatment-mental-illness/
Harmony Ridge Recovery Center, https://www.harmonyridgerecovery.com/addiction/drug/
Detox Rehabs, How To Identify The Early Signs Of Mental Health Disorders, https://www.detoxrehabs.net/identify-mental-health-issues/
Family Therapy for Addiction, Eagle Creek Ranch, https://idahorecoverycenter.com/addiction-therapy/family/
Mental Health Treatments, 449 Recovery, https://449recovery.org/mental-health/
Benzo Addiction Treatment, Bayview Recovery, https://www.bayviewrecovery.com/treatment/benzo-addiction/
CBT for Substance Abuse, The Freedom Center, https://www.thefreedomcenter.com/therapy/cbt/
CBT for Addiction Treatment, Immersive Recovery, https://immersiverecovery.com/cbt-in-addiction-treatment/
Experimental Activity for Addiction Treatment, Acqua Recovery, https://www.acquarecovery.com/therapy/alternative/experiential/
Mental Health & Mesothelioma, Lanier Law Firm, https://www.lanierlawfirm.com/mesothelioma/cancer/mental-health/
Mesothelioma Cancer & Mental Health, Mesothelioma Lawyer Center, https://www.mesotheliomalawyercenter.org/mesothelioma-cancer/mental-health/
Mesothelioma Cancer, Lanier Law Firm, https://www.lanierlawfirm.com/mesothelioma/cancer/