Interview with an Author: Kelly MacLellan

Interview with an Author: Kelly MacLellan

Our first guest author at Capturing Your Confidence is writer Kelly MacLellan. Kelly has a coaching business, Embrace Your Life Coaching, where she is a personal life and career coach.

Her book, Follow Your Heart to Discover Your Life Purpose, is a powerful tool to help readers struggling to find their life purpose. It builds a unique and achievable framework for following your heart to do what you are passionate about.

Kelly MacLellan

Kelly MacLellan

We connected with Kelly about her writing experiences and what advice she would give to aspiring writers and authors.

Tell us a little bit about your writing journey. Have you always wanted to be a writer? Or did the passion come to you later in your life? 

For me, I would describe my writing journey to be natural. When I was young, I often wrote stories with illustrations and I took great pride in writing and delivering talks for an annual speech contest in our school. While I never won major contests, only regional ones, I remember the true joy was seeing how my writing impacted people.

Writing helps me process my experiences and it helps to fulfill my need to serve others. I am gifted (and sometimes cursed) with this constant need to improve and help others see their potential. It is extraordinary how writing can help plant the seed in someone who is ready for that idea to be planted.

Where did the idea for your book, Follow Your Heart to Discover Your Life Purpose, develop from? 

The idea for my book came from my actual life experience. I was grieving the loss of a pregnancy and a period of infertility, and then a divorce. I had made some pretty radical, transformative decisions that lead me to the Dominican Republic.

I saw this moment in my life as a time that I was blessed with the time and freedom to heal and share all I had learned professionally and personally.

I was initially staying for a 12 week volunteer experience but then I fell in love with life again and wanted to stay and continue the experience. To stay, I promised myself that I would write a book. I saw this moment in my life as a time that I was blessed with the time and freedom to heal and share all I had learned professionally and personally.

What was your process for writing your book? 

I approached the process of writing my book by committing to daily structured writing time. Because I saw this period of my life as a divine blessing, I consulted often with my spiritual guides. I would do a practice of yoga, meditation and then prayer. I would then sit down in front of the computer and write from 9 am - 2 pm usually.

To celebrate each day, I made sure to get out and see friends, go to the pool, or beach, café and simply enjoyed my life! This worked so well that I had most of the book finished in 6 months; but, I didn't release it for another 2 years.

Describe your biggest obstacle and how you overcame it. 

My biggest obstacle was that when I was expecting my daughter and about to become a mother, I hesitated on publishing my book. It was my story. I wanted to protect my daughter and did not want the details of my story to ever impact her story. I overcame this fear when I resolved my complicated beliefs about mothers and daughters and perfection.

Each day, I started writing with the intention that the message in the writing would inspire and empower people to embrace their lives and follow their hearts.

I chose instead that I want my daughter to know my story and how much love I have for her. How I waited to be a mother for so long, and how I believe that God had a hand in our family story.

What is the part of the book (or process) you are most proud of?

The part of my book that I am most proud is that overall, I feel like I shared truly from my heart and wrote authentically using my voice. Each day, I started writing with the intention that the message in the writing would inspire and empower people to embrace their lives and follow their hearts.

Would you consider doing another book or other published writing in the future? 

Yes, I have a few projects that are hanging on and still calling out for attention. I have set an intention that 2020 will be the year I give these projects some love and see what happens! 

What do you want the world to know about you as an author? 

That is a hard question.

First, I find it hard to connect with the word “Author”.  Authors have always been people I have admired and respected.  People who have accomplished great things in their fields. They wrote my textbooks or are Literary Geniuses! 

Whatever your message is, craft it in a way that is intentional, believe in yourself, and don’t share it before it is really reflective of what you think and feel.

I think for me, I appreciate the title of writer or coach – because these titles imply that I know some things, have learned some lessons and am on a lifelong path to keep figuring things out! These titles imply that I love what I do, accept who I am and am passionate about sharing what I learn with others.

What is the biggest piece of advice you would give to aspiring writers?

My biggest piece of advice to an aspiring author and writer is to realize that your writing has an impact, whether your audience is far-reaching or even if it is read by one person – likely a family member.

 Your voice matters, so don’t minimize your value! You really do not know what your message can inspire in the reader, in their life, and those that they know.

Whatever your message is, craft it in a way that is intentional, believe in yourself, and don’t share it before it is really reflective of what you think and feel.

Your voice matters, so don’t minimize your value!

And, if writing in your life is similar to my experience of writing and the role it plays in my life, make time for it. Dedicate time to play, learn, connect with new people and teachers, and explore new ways of writing and sharing it. It really is a life long endeavor, so take your time and trust the process.

If you would like to purchase Kelly's incredibly helpful book you can find a copy here.

If you would like to work with Kelly to receive one-on-one coaching, visit her website here.

If you know an author, or of an author, you would love to read an interview with, email me at!

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