Storytelling for Everyday People: A Feel-Good, No Bullsh*t Guide to Telling the Story in Your Heart Book

Storytelling for Everyday People: A Feel-Good, No Bullsh*t Guide to Telling the Story in Your Heart Book


Storytelling for Everyday People is an interactive book - it’s meant to be used and written in so that you can practice telling your story. You’ll learn the five keys of writing that will change your life, why you’re the right person to tell your story, and how to start writing so you feel good about it.

Anything is possible if you’re willing to think about it for 30 seconds. It’s time to remind yourself that you have a voice, it’s the right one for your story, and you can do it.

Your heart and mind will thank you for letting your creativity flow.

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Early Reviews


Storytelling for Everyday People is a wonderful guidebook for the beginning journey of all aspiring authors, building a strong writing blueprint, supportive writing guidance, and healing counsel along the way, encouraging even the most timid of writers into a space of self-love! Bravo!

- Sufani Garza, Author of "1377 Rikoppe Lane" a fiction Novella, and Owner/Director of Place of Bliss Academy & Sanctuary

I finished going through your book and WOW! It's so inspiring and thoughtful. It definitely felt like talking to a friend while I was reading it, which I love! I really think you're going to help a lot of people recover their confidence with this book. I'm happy to have been a miniscule part of making this a reality!

- Eden McMann, Small Business Copywriter Eden Haley Creative