Book Review: Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Book Review: Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo


Marie Forleo’s book, Everything is Figureoutable, is fabulous. It’s not only about the radiating positivity starting on the first page, or the fact that you can hear Forleo’s voice speaking to you in each chapter, although those are both great perks. The real accomplishment here is the clarity of such a powerful message in a way that readers can follow with actionable steps. 

Content & Message

The overarching goal of the book is to “train your brain to think more creatively and positively - especially in the face of setbacks.” In talking about why she wrote the book, Forleo says: 

“I wrote this book because, if I got hit by a bus tomorrow, it’s the one idea I’d want to leave behind...It’s a philosophy of relentless optimism. A mindset. A mantra. A conviction.” 

Everything is Figureoutablehas lofty goals to achieve in just 261 pages! It is broken down into ten chapters and an epilogue. Within each chapter, Forleo gives examples from her own life to highlight the everything is figureoutable mindset she grew up with and embodies every day. She uses science and logic to explain why the actions and steps she’s taken actually work, which inspires readers to follow in her footsteps. 

Even as Forleo recommends taking certain steps, she is constantly encouraging readers to adapt the figureoutable philosophy to their own needs - one size definitely doesn’t fit all!


One of the suggestions Forleo gives is to write "Everything is figureoutable" first thing in the morning and stick it where you can see it often. I stared the book in September 2019 when it arrived, and my Post-Its quickly piled up! I had them stuck all around my desk at work, along with some motivational quotes from the book.

Following each chapter, there is an Insight to Action section with exercises for readers to complete before moving on to the next chapter. The questions range from soul-searching for what you want out of life, like defining & getting real about your most exciting dream (thank you, chapter 6!) to making lists of concrete actions they can take today, like chapter 7 that encourages you to “put some skin in the game.” They spur readers to develop their thoughts using the ideas from the chapter and formulate a plan to move forward toward their dreams. 

The last piece of each chapter is the Figureoutable Field Notes, which are experiences of real people who have used the everything is figureoutable philosophy to change their situation for the better. With examples from loved ones getting cancer to one woman who needed to find a safe place for her brother with Alzheimer’s to live, these stories show the real-life application and flexibility of the philosophy.  

Biggest Takeaway

As you might expect, the biggest takeaway from the book is that everything is figureoutable! Whether you are working on small things like how to get through your day or bigger things like getting out of debt, Forleo’s steps make life’s trials and tribulations seem a little (maybe a lot?) less scary. 

The reason this philosophy is so different than others is because it’s flexible and actionable.

The reason this philosophy is so different than others is because it’s flexible and actionable. This isn’t just an idea for when you need help on goals that are “too big” - it’s also  for when you need to convince yourself to get out of bed to go to a job you don’t like. It’s for when you have been struggling to set boundaries in relationships, or when you are mending one. It’s for when you are panicking about an unexpected situation in your life that doesn’t seem to have an answer. No challenge is too big or too small to figure out.

Overall Impressions


Marie signed my copy!

I first heard about this book in September 2019, when I was taking a webinar with Marie. That webinar got me so pumped up that I pre-ordered the book - it was my first time pre-ordering. When it was released, I obsessively checked the mailbox for the day when it would arrive. I was not disappointed. 

This kind of book is way out of the ordinary for me, as I typically trend toward fiction. Most other self-help books I’ve read always seem nice in the big picture, but lack the steps of how to actually do what they proclaim. Not to mention the tone. I don’t want to feel like I’m being taught step-by-step in a book; if I wanted that I would take a class. 

Everything is Figureoutable isn’t like any of those other books, though. It’s inspiring. The tone is purely positive and believes in you even when you don’t. It shows you experience before it guides you how to do the same types of kick-ass things in your own life. 

From the desk of a picky book nerd, this is - without hesitation - one of the best books I’ve read in a long time.

This is not the book for you if you aren’t willing to take responsibility for making your dreams come true. It’s not the book for you if you’re not willing to take a critical look at reality and take action. It’s definitely not the book for you if you dislike unstoppable positivity and hard work. 


This is the book for you if you want to feel encouraged and inspired as hell (and don’t mind a little swearing here and there). If you are looking to make positive and impactful changes in your life, starting today. And if you just need a positive kick in the pants to help you move along. 

From the desk of a picky book nerd, this is - without hesitation - one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. I liked it so much that I actually even gave it as a gift less than a month later.

Why Writers Need this Book

This is a great book for everyone, but especially writers! It creates a doable framework to achieve our dreams, both big and small. It replaces the old mindset of success & failure that is stuck in our minds

It’s also just an overwhelmingly positive read that tells you over and over again that YOU can do it. You have the power and the ability to get where you want to be because everything is figureoutable - including, and especially, your writing.

If you're feeling down and out about your writing, go get this book today. It will help you.

Next Steps

There are a few steps to take next: 

1.Get the book here. (Or here or here). Better yet, check your local library! Super easy.

2.Read the book & spend the time to do the activities. I bet you’ll fly through it and want more. Try it and see!

3.Practice your new figureoutable mindset. New mindsets can sometimes feel hard to get used to, or even scary. But Marie makes you feel okay about it. It's incredibly empowering and uplifting as you do the work throughout the work because you come out really believing that you can conquer your circumstances - they don't run your life.

4. Get Help if You Need It If you read this book and don't know where to start, or if you decide to start right away (woohoo!), I can help. (By the way, this definitely happened to me - so exciting.) I work with writers just like you to plan and work through new writing projects, or works in progress that have been lingering around without direction.

I am also a creative confidence coach, which means that my primary goal - aside from helping you with your writing - is to be a consistent supporter and fan. I empower, encourage, and lovingly help you take risks that you need to take for your writing. If you’re excited and ready to get to work, or if you're just a little intrigued, you can click here to read more about my 1:1 services. Let’s get you the creative life you dream of!

My challenge to you is to read the book and do the work to start creating a positive change in your life. 

Have you read the book? What did you think? What was your favorite part? I’d love to hear about your experiences! Find me on social media, drop a comment below, or email me at

Let’s chat because you, my friend, are on your way to great writing.

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